John Campbell


Industrial Products Leader for Russia and CEE , PricewaterhouseCoopers

John is the Metals and Min­ing Lead­er for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Rus­sia. Throughout his ca­reer John has worked ex­tens­ively with pub­licly lis­ted com­pan­ies and has a broad range of ex­peri‐ en­ce rel­ev­ant to large, mul­tina­tion­al com­pan­ies in the Con­sumer and In­dus­tri­al Products sec­tors. His back­ground is in audit­ing and ac­count­ing, in­clud­ing re­port­ing on in­tern­al con­trols un­der the US le­gisla‐ tion, SOX 404. John has 28 years of ex­per­i­ence with PwC and has been a Part­ner for 16 years. After join­ing PwC in Montreal, Canada, John spent three years in Lon­don, UK be­fore re­turn­ing to Montreal.

He joined the Mo­scow, Rus­sia of­fice of PwC in April 2008. John’s ex­per­i­ence cov­ers prin­cip­ally metals and min­ing com­pan­ies, but also con­sumer, trans­port­a­tion, elec­tron­ics and forest products com­pan­ies. He has as­sisted his cli­ents with many com­plex trans­ac­tions in­clud­ing con­ver­sions in ac­count­ing prin­ciples, pub­lic of­fer­ings and vari­ous fin­an­cial re­port­ing is­sues. John is a gradu­ate of Trin­ity Col­lege, Uni­versity of Toronto (B.A., 1978) and Mc­Gill Uni­versity (Dip­loma in Pub­lic Ac­count­ancy, 1982). He holds pro­fes­sion­al ac­count­ing des­ig­na­tions in both Canada (C.A.) and the US (C.P.A.).