Laurent Charbonnier

Laurent Charbonnier

Director for Metals and Mining team, EMEA, Credit Suisse

Laurent is a Dir­ect­or in the Metals and Min­ing team in Lon­don. He joined Cred­it Suisse at the end of 2008 from UBS where he spent over 10 years in the In­dus­tri­al Team, fo­cus­ing last there on steel, pa­per and pack­aging.Over the years Laurent has worked on vari­ous trans­ac­tions in­clud­ing the IPO’s Mechel, NLMK and Sever­stal, fin­an­cings for Ev­raz fol­low­ing the IPSCO trans­ac­tion. He worked on the Ar­celorMit­tal mer­ger, the Co­r­us takeover, the Kry­voryz­s­tahl ac­quis­i­tion, the Er­demir auc­tion, the Brit­ish Steel / Hoo­gov­en mer­ger. There were vari­ous oth­er M&A deals (buy-side, sell-side, spin-off, LBO) and re­struc­tur­ing for oth­er cap­it­al goods, build­ing ma­ter­i­als and pa­per and pack­aging cli­ents. Laurent is an en­gin­eer from Ecole Cent­rale Par­is and an alumni from sci­ences Po Par­is.