Victor Tarakanovskiy

Victor Tarakanovskiy

Chairman, Russian Prospectors Union

Born 28th Novem­ber, 1936 in Irkutsk. Fath­er – driver, moth­er – house wife. There were three chil­dren in the fam­ily.


Gradu­ated from school with sil­ver medal (1954). In 1959 gradu­ated from Irkutsk Min­ing In­sti­tute. A mem­ber of the In­ter­na­tion­al Academy of In­form­a­tion Tech­no­lo­gies (1994)

Pro­fes­sion­al Activ­ity:

Worked as mech­an­ic and chief elec­tri­cian at “Mar­shal­sky” mine in Yak­u­tia.
From 1964 to 1977 worked at “Ku­lar” mine as chief mech­an­ic and dir­ect­or.
From 1977 to 1978 was dir­ect­or of “Primorzo­loto” in Khabarovsk.
From 1981 to 1990 worked as a chief en­gin­eer of “Vos­tok” pro­spect­ors as­so­ci­ation in Khabarovsk Re­gion.
In 1989 the Pro­spect­ors Uni­on was cre­ated in Khabarovsk and held its first con­gress in Tashkent. The Uni­on se­lec­ted a Coun­cil rep­res­en­ted by 25 ma­jor pro­spect­ors and ad­op­ted the Charter with main aims of the new pub­lic or­gan­iz­a­tion. Soon Vic­tor Tarakan­ovsky be­came the lead­er of the or­gan­iz­a­tion.
In 1990 he was elec­ted a Chair­man of the Ex­ec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee of the Uni­on. Since then he lives and works in Mo­scow and su­per­vises pro­spect­ors co­oper­at­ives’ activ­it­ies in Rus­sia and in­ter­na­tion­ally.
In Oc­to­ber 1992 Mr Tarakan­ovsky was elec­ted a Chair­man of the Board of Pro­spect­ors Uni­on.
In Oc­to­ber 2002 was elec­ted a mem­ber of the Rus­si­an Cham­ber of Com­merce Com­mit­tee for busi­ness sup­port in min­ing, pro­duc­tion, pro­cessing, and trade of pre­cious metals, pre­cious stones and its products. With­in the Com­mit­tee he holds a po­s­i­tion of a Head of Sub­com­mit­tee for le­gis­lat­ive and leg­al frame­work of the in­dustry.
He is a mem­ber of work­ing group of Nat­ur­al Re­sources and En­vir­on­ment­al Man­age­ment State Duma Com­mit­tee for the project of fed­er­al law on min­er­al re­serves.

In­terests: Rus­si­an bath.